DSA Complaint Process

DanceSportLive has two separate Complaints processes. Below is a summary of both processes, including instructions on how to lodge a complaint.

A copy of all relevant Rules & Policies can be found here - DSA Statues & Policies

If you have any questions regarding DSA's complaints handling process, please contact our National Integrity & Complaints Manager.

Riana Morellini - National Integrity & Complaints Manager
Phone: 0407 760 246
Email: gensec@dancesport.org.au

Complaint Process

*All sections of this form must have a response to proceed with submitting the complaint.

Name of Complainant
Complainant's contact details
Complainant's role/position within DanceSport
Name of person complained about (Respondent)
Respondent's role/position
Date/s of alleged breach/es by Respondent
Location/s of alleged breach/es by Respondent
Description of alleged breach by respondent

Please provide as much information as possible, including details of who is involved, describe what happened and when, and how you found out about the breach - this form will expand if necessary
Witnesses (if any)Did anyone else witness this alleged breach by the Respondent?

If 'Yes', please list the witnesses and their contact details (if known);
Level of DanceSport at which alleged breach occurred

Eligible policy that Respondent has allegedly breached

Sections allegedly breached

Does Complainant consent to alternative dispute resolution?

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Your DanceSport Administration Team

Administrators are highly experienced members who volunteer their time for the benefit of DanceSport.

DanceSport Administrators are located in most States so that they can provide help regarding any DanceSport related enquiry.